You can save money for almost all the daily basic day to day items by taking advantage of dealer promotion coupons. The most famous sites for getting these rebate coupons are:
Unnecessary items:
Please select coupons only for the items you need to buy (The essential items). When you are going through the coupon sites you might find many rebates of items which are really not required they just tempt you with the rebate offer.Most people get fooled by these rebate coupons and tend to spend more money on unnecessary items. Which will unnecessarily stuff your refrigerator or stock room and after a while you might even forget that you bought them and they just become junk.My advice is make a list of the items that you need to buy and then search for coupons only for those items in the list do not look for other items which are not in your list.
Wholesale offers:
Also do not get tempted with wholesale offers. Just think for a while and analyze whether you can use up all the quantity before their expiry period or known lifetime. There is no use of stocking items because of a great offer and latter be forced to throw them because they have expired.Don’t go wasting time chasing “free” stuff that will just end up cluttering up your home.
Be careful on unknown brands:
Now another thing i noticed is that there are crazy rebates on brands which are really worthless products ( I cant really say worthless because everyone's tastes differs, but i think you get the idea I mean) .Which will end up in the garbage and become a big waste of money and time.If you are really curious just buy one item as an sample and try it out or ask friends whether they have used it and get there feedback.
Double coupon days at local grocery stores:
Keep an eye for double coupon days for local stores nearby you. these offers can help you gain a lot of savings.Here is a site which can help you out: Double Coupon Per State
Coupons in newspapers:
Usually many of the Sunday editions of newspapers comes with many coupons.Just check them out for any interesting coupons.
Google It:
Just Google for a product you like and add the word coupon after it. and if you are lucky you might find a coupon for it. You can do this for any product even software for you computer.
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